About us
We are Ella 🇧🇧 & Ryan 🇨🇦, digital nomads, exploring the world mindfully. Between getting married, becoming nomads, and starting our own businesses, we’re sharing everything we learn along the way.
We have various passions we aspire to fit into our nomadic lifestyle, including mindful travel, financial well-being, entrepreneurship, and all things creative.

Why we became nomads...
We were already working 'remotely'. Plus, we consistently travel to Barbados (where Ella is from), Vancouver (to housesit for family), and to the UK (to visit family), often for 3+ weeks at a time (where we would work remotely.
We were leaving our apartment empty for 3-4 months a year, without the ability to sublet.
$8,000+ in rent… out the window.
So we began laying the groundwork to become nomads.

Why we quit our jobs...
To be honest, we had it good. We already worked remotely. But with strings attached (pre-determined location and working hours).
Selling our souls: We realized our work was not directly aligned with our motivations and passions. More and more bureaucracy, less and less intention.
Selling our time: Sell 40 hours of our time every week for the rest of our lives, and get paid some arbitrary value of what that time was deemed to be worth. No more, no less.
Lack of autonomy: Not only 40 hours, but 40 specific hours during arguably the nicest time of the day. We had no say in when we worked

Why we started our companies…
It was the only way.
Having made our minds up to pursue a life of freedom with complete autonomy over everything we do, the only option was to become our own bosses.
Being our own boss ensures we can work when we want, where we want, and on what we want.